Oh Please Shoot me!
Ok…So my wife goes to Basic Training for the United States Army. Cool. She is going to be an MP. Cool. She leaves to go down to Fort Leonard Wood, and leaves a bit of herself behind. HER NASTY SINUS INFECTION!
Not cool.
So I am battling this raging demon inside my chest for control of my destiny while I am trying to get out some illustrations for Steampower Publishing's next product. Every time I try to ink down a line or two I cough or sneeze and send the pen careening across the page into my leg. What I wouldn’t give to have an off valve for my head.!
I received several letters from the wife about her adventures in Basic down in Missouri. From the sound of things she is not having a good time of it (then again I don’t think that anyone does). She is coping though and that is what the training there is all about in the beginning. Coping with stress and learning that you are an army of one ("You got ONE minute to get down here!" "You got one more chance before I put a boot in your backside!" "If you don’t get over here now you are going to have ONE less thing to worry about… BREATHING!")
Now before anyone gets testy (including the artists) I do have the illustrations for the bio pages ready to go. The problem is being in a vertical position long enough to do it. Between drugs and, well, drugs, I have not been able to put any time into the web site. Including the new Forums, which came out excellent if I do say so myself (lack of posting would indicate that I am the only one saying anything at this point.)
Our friendly neighborhood gaming superhero went back to work with a cybernetic leg and about two weeks worth of quality family time. Jeremy Peterson was injured with a "knee thang," that disrupted the balance of the universe and caused red heads everywhere to want to migrate to Michigan. The hooligans at HAZARD hope that Jeremy feels one hundred percent and that he can now get his Games going again. We have placed a concerned call to the Federal Emergency Management Agency regarding the displaced red heads but have received no responses yet.
On the gaming scene, The Blood and Vigilance Rules , that add Four color flavor to the d20 game, was recently re-released in version 1.1 along with a mystic supplement. They took the existing rules and covered them in more depth. This included a re-write of the Advanced Training Origin. Chuck from RPG Objects had said in the past that the class was a bit under powered when it came to putting it up against the other super classed origins. The second book that was released for the game was a mystic supplement entitled Mystic Arts. Both items are of superb quality and fantastically put together ( it’s RPG Objects…what do you expect?). If you have not checked these wonderful items out yet…please do so.
Also, stay tuned for the next installment of Project 13 as I am back from my stint with the Army (oh the pain) and have the rest of the month to get stuff done…