Tuesday, February 13, 2024

The Dwarven Option

One of the coolest things I’ve gotten to pull off when I started scribbling was being invited to take part in the ongoing Forgotten Ruin storyline.

I’d been hooked from the first pages and concepts Nick and Jason shared with me and then to be invited to write a filler story was top notch.

“We want dwarves, undead, and a character that ties it all together that has a different voice.”

Okeedokee… I know a few cats like that who might fit the bill that I can use as a template. But what about the dwarves.

When we first see them in Forgotten Ruin, the dwarves are described like an Amish Biker gang, always fiddling around with something, and the Rangers never saw them sleep… because why would they.

So in making the dwarves for Underspire, I tried to whammy up a different depiction than what we’d had from other popular media.

Everyone wants to paint them as drunken Scotts who like to build. But in the story, these are a sapper team let loose to spill destruction on an epic scale against an enemy the Rangers at large don’t have the time to address.

Cue dwarven sappers and they’re ranger escort team.

Heavily Germanic in flavor, we went with a group of dwarves burdened by the loss of their home. We see them return to the Underspire to set things right after being exiled for so long, many of them can’t remember the last time they were back.

But they remember what home is supposed to feel like and why you fight for it.

If you get a chance, check out Underspire: A Forgotten Ruin War Journal from Wargate Books!

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

New Digs... Same as the old Digs


The crazy thing about having a website is the constant logging in and changing things, updating, and all the craziness. But the problem for me is that I'm just too busy. 

So when my bank done screwed the pooch on the automatic payment for my site, which I wasn't really using, I thought it was time to update. After dealing with several providers and web site sites... All I wanted was a simple page that pointed to all the other things I use. Social Meteors (shut up! I spelled it wrong accidentally on purpose!), Substack, Youtube, Hate Space, Xitter... And the list goes on. I needed something basic because, no one really goes to the website. 90% of the time they find me through the web store on Drivethru RPG. 

So, rather than spending a bucket load of money on premium hosting I'm not engaging through, I figured I'd just go back to the old reliable googly blog. It can point people where they need to be to interact with me, buy my stuff, or call me names.

In any case, if you read this far... Thanks! And we'll see you between the covers (Book covers that is).