Welcome to HAZARD Studio 2009... Which is pretty much the same as it was in 2008 only with less sand. So in the the past few months we have been VERY busy. There was a lot in the beginning of the year to hold our attention and we are just starting to crawl out from under.
First off... I want to take a moment to wish my friend Brian good luck. Brian is going to be leaving for Army Basic Training next week. He has decided to enter the National Guard and take on some of the toughest training the Army has to offer (and then let it go to hell when he comes home as we in the Guard only have to work once a month... GO TEAM!). Any one who wants to pick up Brian as a Pen pal need only shoot me an email and we can work out his address from there. Good luck Brian!

Starting in April, the Ashcan Edition will return with a brand new look. Transforming into its alter ego as a monthly mag for the supers set, Ashcan will have several features to get the super powered crowd going... Some things to look for in the mag will be:
· A monthly column about aspects of super hero RPG’s
· Wanted Poster: Featuring a new villain or group to harass your players with.
· Net News: info about current and future Super RPG’s

Ashcan Edition will be put out low rent in “Ashcan” style, just like the comics we used to see back in the day. This will be mostly black and white and done with just enough fun to warrant a place on the shelf. This will be a monthly free e-zine that will be available on the
HAZARD Stds. Website as well as in PDF format.
If you are a publisher looking for art flunkies… you could do a lot worse than looking on the
HOOLIGANS page on the Hazard Website. We have several talented folks that like to sling ink and they are waiting to land that big job that allows them to kick off their skills. Anyone interested can shoot me a note and we can set up a game of tag between publisher and artist.
The next few months are going to be very exciting for us as we have a TON going on. From working for the National Guard to slinging ink and lead for ourselves, we look forward to seeing what trouble 2009 gets us into…