So it is now common knowledge among the three people who read this blog that I rejoined the military and have been pursuing the coveted title of Soldier of the Year (for those of you not currently wearing an ACU pattern, this is a competition where different units send their top dog soldier to compete against other units to see who knows what. It is also something not a lot of people want to do). I won the company board and went onto the Brigade board and won that one. My company honored me at the annual Chistmas Party and one of the things I receieved was a rare Briagde Coin. Very cool. Now I am facing representing my brigade for the state competition to see who is soldier of the year for Rhode Island. The rough part about the whole process is that I have to study to be prepared for this. Every hour I am studying is an hour that I am not doing something else I should be doing. Oh well… I hear the State Board is lovely this time of year…
Many projects are topping my plate at the moment. I wish I could finish all of them right now and have them out (*cough*cough* Gears of War *cough *cough) but it is very cool to work on them nonetheless. Steampower Publishing is always good to provide me with projects that are really a pleasure to work on. The latest project, Future Soldier: Fast Mover was a great product and a fantastic part of the series. The Future Soldier line is a great way to take d20future and give it that gritty military flavor. If you haven’t run a Future Battlefield soldier game you are really missing out on a lot of fun. The next project was given to me a few weeks ago and I am really excited about this one as I got to do some really cool shots. Lets just say, “Robots and maniacs and gear! Oh my!”
The next version of SFX Skills has been given to me as well and fans of that series should expect a great product full of ideas for the modern mage. Using skills to generate SFX instead of using a Vancian Spell system, the SFX line is great for revamping the way Modern does magic. The next item in the series focuses on one of the oldest types of mysticism that people aspire to, alchemy and transmutation. Mostly item based, the illustrations in the next supplement will feature less people working the skills and more items that the skills revolve around. As always I will do my best to bring the meat of the subject to life.

Well, if all goes well I should be getting my wife back next week. I will be at Fort Leonard, Wood from the 12th through the 14th for her graduation. I am really proud of her, as she has come a long way in a real short time. There is nothing like Basic Training for re-forging the way that you see yourself and after something like that you are never really the same. I am looking forward to getting her back as she really is my best friend on the planet and a great person. Plus… She makes a great baked macaroni and cheese!
Till next time…
Make it HAZARDous,
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