Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I don't suck...you do!

There are those rare times in life that come along and bite you in the rear. One of those times came out of no-where and body tackled my wife and I. But as in all things…we will just keep on keeping on and then come back later and spit into some one’s eye.

Earlier last week my wife called me at midnight (she worked overnights) to tell me that she had been fired from her job. After hearing the circumstances of the dismissal, any laymen whose only exposure to the law is the TV could tell that this was a wrongful dismissal and the place where she worked had handled the entire ordeal unprofessionally and wrongfully. Ever fiber of my being told me to go down to her employer and beat his bony little backside for being a complete moron. Thanks God I am not into fiber or I might have ended up in jail. There were many mistakes that were made on the part of this employer and as a result I have people screaming at us to take legal action. We could VERY EASILY take this person and his company for a large chunk of change and embarrass them in their eyes of their peers. They not only violated several laws and codes of conduct in my wife’s dismissal but they also shot themselves in the foot for firing one of the best staff members they had. At the end of the day, my wife gets to look to a future full of promise and these people will still be spite filled idiots so full of themselves that they can’t see their tragic faults. There are a few diamonds in the rough (and they not only know who they are, they know we love them) but they are in the minority. In short, good riddance Mother F***ers!

Anyone who wants to send a well wishing or make her a job offer [wink, wink] can go to the front page of the HAZARD Studios web site and send it to my email address. I will make sure that she sees it.

Other than the aforementioned nonsense…things are going well. I was foreseeing that I was going to go to Fort Leonard Wood for MP training but as is usually the case the Army has dropped the ball so most likely I will be staying here for a bit. With that being the case, re-enlisting is looking less and less attractive as I don’t want to be part of an organization that can’t pull their head out of their ass to see where they are going.

That means MORE time for art and games!

If you haven't checked them out already...Please take a trip down to Fear the Boot! The Forums are fun, the podcast is great and you can learn all sorts of great things about table top role playing games. Definitely a must listen if you are into podcasts about RPG's.

Project 13 is set to get back on track after another month when I should have this interrupting project out of the way. For those of you just tuning in, Project 13 is about a future that could exist if the powers that drive the universe all smoked a fat bag of crazy. Futuristic technology combined with superhuman abilities and an expansionist drive, run a setting for d20 Modern. The next story element for Project 13 (along with original art) should hit the stands some time next week.

I am also thinking about running another contest this April in conjunction with the Second Year of HAZARD Studios. April 4th is Our Birthday (I think) and we will be launching another HAZARDous Character contest to celebrate. This year up for grabs will be free character web space as well as Gift Certificates to Amazon dot com and EN World dot com.

Well, That’s it for now…

Until next time…

Make it HAZARDous!



Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.

Walt said...

Thanks for reading this...;-)