Issue 5 of the Ashcan Edition is out and what a grand issue it is. Set up for the MARVELous 4C role playing game, there is just enough math to make everything work for 4C as well as just enough math to ensure that you could tailor it to your favorite Super Powered RPG Experience.
Next Month we will have the 6th issue of the mag and then it will be time for a little break. With six issues packed full of Super Hero Goodness... There is plenty to ensure that GM's and players alike have to put into their games if need be. We will also be posting regular updates to the Tumblr (which launches to Facebook and Twitter) account as well as to this blog

One of these projects involves a martial arts group that I belong to (First rule of fight club...). There is a lot of work going on behind the scenes involving the group which is going to take up the majority of time for the month of February. This involves going to see instructors from other states as well as training with the "regulars." As a side note, one of the soldiers that works with me has decided to take on the Modern Army Combatives All Guard Tournament. If you are not familiar with MACP (see above overly complicated combatives name), it is the United States Army's attempt at having solid martial arts training for their soldiers. By having it trained at lower levels in an MMA (Mixed Monkey Art... sorry just seeing if you were still reading) format and having tournaments, the military is hoping that they will encourage soldiers to not only be proficient in this "art" but also to seek out instructors for training at higher levels. Having been playing around with it for several years now, I like the fact that they used Filipino flow drills to instill all of the training. What I don't like is the constant push toward competitive format as some one like me wants the training so I can EFF Up a dude rather than tap him out. Oh well, I guess I can't have everything...

Hasn't stopped me from trying though.
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