Working today on the next HAZARD-centric universe piece
for SUPERS!-RED while compiling email addresses for sending out some of
the backer rewards. I need to hire some one for this stuff so I can
just sit back and SAY that I have an RPG business.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Hey there folks!
This weekend we will be in and around Aethercon, an online RPG convention. Last night we sat in with Jeff Dee (Uni Games), Stephen Chenault (Troll Lord Games), and Chris Clark (Eldritch Adventures) for a panel on retro clone gaming and the rise such games in the rpg hobby. Lots of topics were discussed and I made sure to put in my two cents as far as retro Superhero Gaming was concerned. Industry partner Andrew Collas was on scene in the chat room to show his support.
Today we have two interviews that we are hosting and one that we are participating in. Should be a good time as the panel with Jeff Dee and the boys was fun.
We have been asked to help out for next year as well. Let's see what trouble we can get in for that.
Hope to see everyone there.
Tuesday, October 01, 2013
System Update 1.6... You Know you wanna
sent out a major update for our backers today. Version 1.6
replaces the original version of the White Copy and takes RED to a
whole new level. If you were thinking about backing us, we have
10 more days to go. With the tactical optional rules and Art
Explosion stretch goals funded, RED is looking to be, not only a
fantastic game, but, an amazing book. At less than 250 dollars
left to go for our Alternate digital cover, the next 10 days should
prove very exciting.
Saturday, September 07, 2013
Just a word while waiting for Coffee!
With us taking the lead on production of SUPERS! the comic book RPG, not a lot of time for blogging. Luckily I had a free minute in between loading the coffee maker and letting it do its thing.
When you launch a Kickstarter, there are a lot of things to consider. For me... the worst is the dreaded Video. Don't get me wrong, me likee da video. The problem is that it eats up a LOT of time. That is time I could be spending on art, layout, other facets of production... or getting my coffee on (why, o', coffee maker do you taunt me... about 2 minutes to go).
Well, since we are waiting, might as well preview some art from the KS. Here is the Blue Brawler! Say that five times fast (that, that, that, that, that...)
And in case you missed it... we have a special incentive tier...
When you launch a Kickstarter, there are a lot of things to consider. For me... the worst is the dreaded Video. Don't get me wrong, me likee da video. The problem is that it eats up a LOT of time. That is time I could be spending on art, layout, other facets of production... or getting my coffee on (why, o', coffee maker do you taunt me... about 2 minutes to go).
Well, since we are waiting, might as well preview some art from the KS. Here is the Blue Brawler! Say that five times fast (that, that, that, that, that...)
And in case you missed it... we have a special incentive tier...
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Kicking it on BAMF!
Andrew and I join Ade, Jason, and superhost Mike on the BAMF Podcast to talk about comics, capes, and all things HEROIC! Check us out on the podcast!
The HEROIC Kickstarter can be found HERE

The HEROIC Kickstarter can be found HERE
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Zenith Comics Goes Heroic!
With Just about 12 days in, Zenith Comics has been rocking the Kickstarter scene with the promise of being HEROIC! The new comic from writer Andrew Collas, has the look of the current polished books out there but is toting a script that takes things back before mega-events and crossovers. We've gone to Kickstarter to not only fund the comic's first issue, but also to get the word out there about what Zenith is trying to create.
What is Andrew hoping to churn up with this project? If we take from the Kickstarter page :
Heroes who are actually heroes. Heroes who inspire. Bigger than life, and with actual ideals. I am a big fan of the Bronze Age of comics - 1975-1985 in particular. I want to draw from that inspiration, but with a modern eye. I want heroes who inspire, but not ones who are cardboard cut outs of truth and justice. Icons, who stand for something, just like real people often stand for something. I reject that "realistic" means things are grim, humorless, and self-serving. There are people being heroic every day, people fighting for ideals every day. There is room for realistic people in fantastic situations. We used to write those stories. Zenith is going to write them again.
By the look and feel of the script and splashes of artwork by fan favorite Alex Williamson, Heroic aims to deliver.
Now where does lil ol HAZARD Stds come into this? Andrew and I are looking to do similar things in entertainment. We want to bring back the fun in both Comics (his side) and RPG's (my side). To that end we work together to produce items that will allow us to do that.
If you haven't yet checked out the page for the kickstarter, you can find it here:
And don't miss out on the discussion over at the Zenith Comics Boards:
Until Next time, Be HEROIC!
Monday, June 03, 2013
When we started on the road of SUPERS!, we weren't sure what kind of response we were going to get. Andrew was well known about the various superhero game boards and I had been floating in and around the industry doing freelance work. Simon Washbourne had formed Beyond Belief Games and was well known for his writing of the game as well as his other projects (Such as Barbarians of Lemuria). Simon had come up with a fantastic little gem in SUPERS! and we wanted to make sure we did it proud.
Immediately after taking the reigns from Simon, we reached out to the fans and assured them that while a new hero wore the mask and cape, SUPERS! was dedicated to being true to what makes it a great game.
We crafted a forum and shouted out to anyone who would listen to come on by and share their experiences with the game. In the short time we have been running we have close to two thousand posts and a lot of great material... all generated by fans of the game. While we are by no means the biggest SUPER on the block, we have a dedicated following.
I just wanted to take a minute and thank the fans for coming out and supporting us as we move forward to make SUPERS! a force to be reckoned with! If you have been stopping by the forum, thanks for the experience, effort, and for hanging out. If you have yet to stop by, please come on over and introduce yourself and join the fun.
You can find us here:
Upward and Onward!
WaltTuesday, May 21, 2013
Monday, February 04, 2013
Super Powered Life!
YEAH! SUPERS! is on the move as far as big things happening during 2013. We have our Quick Start rules launching as soon as I can get free of some weighty family responsibility.
If you haven't tried SUPERS! yet, here are a couple of reasons to give it a try.
* SUPERS! allows for fast and furious comic book action where the rules drive the game while staying out the way.
* Character setup takes minutes and the character sheet is easy enough to understand that first time gamers won't be lost in the numbers.
*Game play gives experienced players room to work strategy in creative ways with rules that power Comic Book Action!
SUPERS! is on sale at fine e-tailers everywhere. Don't forget to check out OUR FORUMS, active in SUPERS! action and the latest news.
If you haven't tried SUPERS! yet, here are a couple of reasons to give it a try.
* SUPERS! allows for fast and furious comic book action where the rules drive the game while staying out the way.
* Character setup takes minutes and the character sheet is easy enough to understand that first time gamers won't be lost in the numbers.
*Game play gives experienced players room to work strategy in creative ways with rules that power Comic Book Action!
SUPERS! is on sale at fine e-tailers everywhere. Don't forget to check out OUR FORUMS, active in SUPERS! action and the latest news.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
We return! Spent some time tonight talking with Mike Lafferty and Steve Kenson on the BAMF podcast talking about Steve's latest project, GREAT POWER for ICONS. Roll on over to the BAMF podcast sight and check things out!

Image by Snake Toast (

Image by Snake Toast (
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