Saturday, September 07, 2013

Just a word while waiting for Coffee!

With us taking the lead on production of SUPERS! the comic book RPG, not a lot of time for blogging.  Luckily I had a free minute in between loading the coffee maker and letting it do its thing. 

When you launch a Kickstarter, there are a lot of things to consider.  For me... the worst is the dreaded Video.  Don't get me wrong, me likee da video.  The problem is that it eats up a LOT of time.  That is time I could be spending on art, layout, other facets of production... or getting my coffee on (why, o', coffee maker do you taunt me... about 2 minutes to go).

Well, since we are waiting, might as well preview some art from the KS.  Here is the Blue Brawler!  Say that five times fast (that, that, that, that, that...)

And in case you missed it... we have a special incentive tier...


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