My wife is currently going through basic training. As some one who has been there myself, I know that it is hard to stay motivated. I try to write her every day and make sure that I put in plenty to make her feel motivated and let her know that there are plenty of people here who want to see her succeed. So in keeping with this I decided to include my:
10 rules to becoming a Superhero!!!

2. The more severe the forging process, the better the steel. When metal is forged, it takes intense heat, cold, and battering to forge and strengthen it. This is called tempering. The longer you temper metal, the stronger it becomes.
3. Being a superhero does not mean that you have super powers! This is important as heroes like Batman or Ironman never had powers. They were just passionate people who followed their convictions.
4. Being exceptional on the inside sometimes has to be hidden on the outside. Peter Parker’s alter ego was called Incredible, Amazing, and Spectacular. Peter Parker was anything but these things until he showed off who he really was.
5. Many times during a Hero’s career, the same people they attempt to help can turn on them. By showing dynamic virtues and saving the day, people come around to the hero again. The hero often realizes that the average person is an idiot and deserves pity and not hatred.

7. Train constantly for the worst possible scenario so when average problems present themselves they never seem that bad. If you train to catch a 100 mile an hour fastball… something thrown at 60 seems easy and something thrown at 110 is not that big a stretch.
8. Always remember the trials and troubles that forged you into a hero so you can learn from them and not be haunted by them.
9. Always keep the reasons for your crusade close to you so that when you fight you will do it with all of your heart.
10. An Obstacle in life is nothing more than a cleverly disguised opportunity for greatness.
Just remember, Not all heroes wear Spandex.

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