The thing about nostalgia that gets me every time is that you can never really go home again. I was approached two weeks ago about re-launching the Korranberg Chronicle when some people of the Yahoo Eberron group were talking about it. They were saying that it was a tragedy that the paper had been allowed to lapse and that they were hoping to see it resurrected. The problem with that is that there were three people doing a six people job. We generated a lot of interest on the group but only have two or three people writing articles. I am tentatively looking to restart it but the problem I saw in the past is already rearing its ugly head. This is a FAN project. That means that it is run by the fans for the fans. What that also means is that we have no official sanction from Wizards of the Coast to produce such a periodicle. Long and short of it is that no one is being paid for this. When there is no money changing hands, people have a tendency to start off with fervor and then die out with a whisper. Every one wants to be a part of the project but no one wants to do the work.
If the Chronicle does come back…this is what we are looking to do.

-We are looking to produce a way to generate articles that people can produce in Chronicle format and hand to their players..
-We need to have a consistent influx of material that we can populate the pages of the actual periodical. The only way to do this is to keep people interested and keep them writing. Our success relies on the success of Eberron. The thing we should decide is whether or not this is a one man operation. If it is then I could produce articles much like the Sharn Inquisitive. One article every few weeks. But to do things on the magnitude of the Old Chronicle we need people and pens producing articles.
Eberron is one of those settings that either you love or you hate. A lot of people are against the setting because it is a drastic departure from the normal fantasy realm. I say GREAT! It is about time. How many J.R.R. Tolkien, Jack Vance, and Robert E. Howard clones do we need. Although I enjoy many fantasy authors, the genre has become stale as of late. The tales in Eberron are fantastic but theyare not new. Just the trappings and how they are used in the stories are new. It is kind of like shining up an old penny. You make it bright and interesting even though nothing much has changed.
On the HAZARDous front, HAZARD Studios has been beating around the bush on a few projects that have unfortunately taken a back seat to my military career. I am starting to better balance things on that side of my life with the rest of it and things are starting to come back into play. On Tuesday, we will be uploading the second part of the short story, Blast from the Past. Also next week you can expect some new artwork as well as upcoming news on the Chronicle, Project 13, and the impending finish of Power and Glory.
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