Monday, March 26, 2007

I am who I am...

So let’s see what’s going on around here…

[RANT] It has been almost a year since I decided to put on the camie jamies. It was a fun year but I am unsure of whether or not I am going to re-enlist. While it has been fun while it lasted, I really don’t feel like the Army (or at least the unit I signed on for) really wants me there. I hear stories about how I am not the only one who is being abused and ignored. I hear how that is the way things are and that I should have remembered what it was like before I re-uped. Here is my take on the whole thing…SCREW the way it is. Why not make it the way it SHOULD be?

People know there is a problem and they decide they can do nothing about it because it is either too hard or the people involved are too stupid. I don’t like that attitude. If you see a problem… fix it. If the system is broken…repair or replace the system. I love it when you are confronting a problem and some one says, “you know how they/ it are/is.” When some one tells me that I really just want to jump in their grill and ask them “what if I don’t like the way THEY are?” What if the way THEY are is severely stepping on my tail and getting my hair up?

The point is… Either they are going to have to affect some major changes (like giving me what I need to do my job) or I am going to walk. I’ll join the girl scouts. For those of you on this side of a drill sergeant you know that there is a slim chance of that… you know how THEY are…[END RANT]

So in other news… Lots of big things going on in and around the pencil. Hopping in and out of Phil Reed’s site Ronin Arts one can find not only some of the coolest supplements for the d20 and open gaming community, but also you can find the news and updates for the FASERIP project (tentatively titled “Four Color”). Phil has already chewed through the “Basic” part of the system and should be moving onto the advanced side of the house. I am really excited about this project, as it will open the small but loyal fan base up to new material that can be produced by anyone under an open license. So not only will publishers be able to create new material for this great system but fans of the new system can find various sources over the net where this stuff is being distributed. Sweet.

Mutants and Masterminds . You know it… You love it… and you can create for it too (if you have the skills and the will). You just have to make sure what you are writing isn’t crap. M&M will license to anyone who is not a hack and can make a product that will match up with their vision of M&M. My thoughts on that is that it is a good idea in that who wants their name dragged down by some second rate developer with delusions of grandeur. Phil Reed is putting out a magazine tentatively entitled Mastermind Magazine (yep he is a busy guy, see above paragraph). I petitioned (stalked) Phil and asked to do some illustrating for the new magazine. He graciously supported the idea (restraining order to follow) and I should have an illustration in an upcoming issue. Not a huge break but I am excited about it as I am a fan of the game Any chance to get people to look at my stuff is a good one.

We’ll see what happens and whether or not I can make the grade as in illustrator… or I fall flat as an ill-ah-faker.



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