Thursday, April 05, 2007

Where are my Fiddlers 3???

Life is meaningless and empty and I have nothing to live for… I am going to end it…

Yep. You were about to call nine-one-one and try and save a life weren’t you? You’re a champ! Everything is fine and life is great! I am insanely busy and there is plenty out there to get excited about at the moment… You guessed it… I am about to tell you what the good stuff is.

As I wrote about in an earlier post, I started GMing again with a great gaming group. Running a space opera setting, I ran the first adventure and the results were a lot of fun. Space prisons, hidden agendas and a mutant abomination plague all culminated in the PC’s narrowly escaping with their skins and a little booty in the form of a ship. It was Star Wars meets the Pitch Black and it was a lot of fun had by all. The setting was a revamp of something I was going to write novels in years ago but never got to. Well, I have a reason to get to it now. The setting in all its glory is being polished and finished in order to market it to potential publishers. Do I think that I will be the next great science fiction guru… nah, but it is fun to think like one in order to write this stuff.

My life as a soldier is also a bit strange at the moment. I am not really sure what I am going to do as far as re-enlistment goes but they have offered me the school that I need and the money that goes with re-enlisting. Since they are taking steps in the right direction I am inclined to sign my name again but I am always leery of things now because of stuff in my past. I need to make sure that I always get everything in writing and to make them see my position. The people in the army see the mission and in doing so sometimes forget that if you don’t take care of your soldiers, they will not be there for the next one.

Another cool bit of news is that the wife (hi Honey! >>>insert dorky husband wave here<<<) is still working on her skills as a colorist. She is getting very good at doing it by hand and once she has that dog under the leash (proficient) I will show her how to do it on the computer. Some of the programs are complex and can take a college course to get the most out of them. Despite that I have confidence that she will pick it up in short order. Sniff, Sniff, they grow up so fast.

Lots of other things running in the background but only rambled enough for now… I have to go and pretend to be professional…



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