Tuesday, May 01, 2007

No Where to Go But Up

Man…Lately I have the drawing bug. Lots of new art and no where to put it. I guess there are worse things that could be happening. Commissions have been slow as of late as I really have been slacking on that side of the business. It hasn’t been because no one is commissioning but rather I have been focusing on my own projects. I currently have three projects in the hoper at the moments that are requiring my attention (not to mention that there is other silly stuff behind the scenes that are definitely going to put the squeeze on my time for the next year or so).

Thing one is FASERIP compatible and will be going along with the redux of the rules that have been written by Phil Reed of Ronin Arts. Tentatively called Project 121, the product was written using the advanced FASERIP rules and will be published once the advanced rules come out from Ronin Arts. I would love to get this out of the box early but I don’t want to jump the gun and get in even more trouble that I am in at the moment.

Thing two is called Project 13 and was a project that started around last May and has been put back due to one setback or another that can easily be discerned by traveling to the rest of the Blogg. This project is d20 Modern compliant and will be a full setting utilizing d20 Modern as the major Rules with d20 future riding shotgun (along with a smattering of things from here and there. Considering that FASERIP is being constructed as I write this and M&M2ed would also be a good fit… this project is getting a lot bigger, a lot faster than I originally intended). This is my pet project as I really enjoy the setting and how it comes together. People who want to take a peak can go HERE and check it out.

Thing three is called tentatively called The Black Project and I spoke about it earlier in the blogg as space opera meets cinematic action. Running people through the first part of the campaign adventure, I got great reviews and managed to wow the players (after battling a small bout of confusion in the beginning of the game). Small hints about this have been hitting the net as I am shopping around for a publisher (as publishing anything myself would drive me insane).

Other than that and the Super Ultra Top Secret Annoyance that has plagued me for the last month (although some of you out there already know), not much has gone on… However, funny thing happened on the way to the print on demand…

I got a call from CafĂ© Press today in that apparently… I am a copyright violator. Yep…It’s true… They raided my virtual shop ( the one me and the boys opened for official logo apparel for our martial arts club) and locked down a whole bunch of my images due to the fact that a skull logo I had drawn had a resemblance to the one that is used by… THE PUNISHER! I wasn’t worried as he is a sissy and he can’t draw like I can. So rather than seeing the punisher cry a river of lawyers, I changed the logo and will be uploading it tonight. Who says I can’t be caring and sensitive…

Catch you guys on the flip side…


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