Tuesday, May 29, 2007

So you can often times tell who your real friends are when you have to go somewhere for a while. This was the case recently as we had some friends throw us a going away party. Sunday was a time for Robicon…The small gaming convention thrown in honor of my wife and myself.

Oh… Did I mention that we are both deploying to Iraq?

So on Sunday we got up to see Tom, Jill, Tracey, Frank, Kira, and Dimitri (As well as the Bisbee Cats) for a day of gaming as well as to hang out with old and new friends. The first game was played with the Savage Worlds system and played in Pulp Style as the Nazi’s and the Chinese fought against the heroes for a power that could save or savage the world. The heroes came out on top (sort-of) and we saved the day with some clever “Slight of HAND” (sorry for the inside joke…you had to be there). The second game used the same rules and spun off into a world nearly destroyed by elves. This apocalyptic landscape saw our heroes undertake a mission to save a lost researcher. This mission brought us amidst alien natives and a being from outside of reality. Great fight and good beer!

While we are away, a good friend stepped up to the plate to care for our pets. We were worried about this in the beginning, as both our families would have a hard time doing so. I won’t be able to thank Brian for taking this on but I am sure I can come close.

So what is going to happen to Hazard Studio? Nothing. I am going to need something to do to work out the stress of being in a hostile country so any and all projects will be gleefully accepted. I had a feeling that this would be coming so me getting ready to go and making sure that we have everything that we need was pretty much being taken care of.

If you are a regular reader… Thanks for all the support you have given up until now. If you are just joining us… Please stay tuned as writing and drawing with me is truly about to become Hazardous!



Special Thanks to Tom who provided us with this weeks Picture!

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