Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Bombs, Bullets, and illustrations...

So being deployed and trying to get your creative juices flowing really go hand and hand. Being in a place where there are people legitimately out to get you creates drama like no where else. You get tragedy and comedy and intense action, sometimes all in the same day.

Being a soldier has always been like that and continues for me to be the same way... even with a ten year break.

There is a lot to do for work but I find that the tasks (or lack there of) that I do during the day really get my motor running. Since I have been here I have been drawing and writing like a fiend when i have time as I find that it bleeds off some of the stress of being away from home (as well as some of the other stressors found about the hooch). It is also very cool to finally find an Internet connection to find out all the things fellow illustrators and RPG Designers are doing. There are a lot of very cool things happening this year and from the looks of things I will be receiving the info later than sooner. In any event... I am glad I am doing what I am doing this year for several reasons...
  1. I am just a normal guy being put into a circumstance where someone didn't have the freedoms and securities that many free citizens enjoy. How many people can say they helped people in another country earn their freedom... Kinda Cool...

  2. The inspiration for my writing and sketching here is priceless. I can gain ten years of material here in a single year... I just hope my bunkmates don't notice the red light flashing on my camera or MP3 recorder... (snicker)

  3. With the advent of all this techno-gear... I can still keep up (kinda) with all that is going on in the comic and RPG industries while serving my country. Not to mention that on my down time I can do small projects and scan and email them in.

All in all... I can use this year for many things. The most important thing I can do is to focus on my job, succeed and excel. Sounds like a simple enough formula and since it has worked to this point...

Why mess...

Don't be shy... If you wouldn't mind writing to a soldier who happens to be a fellow RPG junky... I am a friendly guy and will probably respond with a note of thanks and a picture (hope you like camels).


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