Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Just When Things Were Getting Good

The one thing I love about being in uniform is that you never know where you will be from day to day. The one thing I hate about being in uniform is the same thing I love about it. The point being, one minute I am doing my thing with the rest of my crew and the next minute I was plucked from my happy little patrol base and slung onto someplace major.

The good thing about this is that I have access to more flavors of coffee... The bad news is that I have more opportunity to get myself in trouble (something I excel in doing while in uniform).

In any case, I do suddenly have more time on my hands (and semi stable internet) to get some work done. There is currrently a lot of movement in the digital front as far as RPG's are concerned in regards to the upcoming 4th edition of Dungeons and Dragons. Pen and Paper RPG's are slowly becoming an outdated medium for telling and involving people in stories (although there are those of us helping them limp along) but that hasn't stopped the forums from being over run with posts about what 4ed will do to the gaming industry and PnP RPG's. At the moment (and partially because I am still in Iraq) none of that really concerns me. I have some other projects I am trying to play with...

I am currently working on a product that is now in the editing stages for the 4C rules. I have also been contacted about art on a few upcoming game projects. In short... I is going to be a busy kid while trying to come home. The up side is that the people I am working with understand that I am a soldier in the middle of a deployment. I have been lucky to fall in with several people who are patriotic and don't mind a little time hasle in regards to art and RPG stuff.

Pretty soon this soldier business with be over with for the moment and I can get back to pretending I actually make a difference in the RPG community. Until then I will have to stick it out in the sand and try to keep half the desert out of my laptop.

How did the Transformers do it in that movie? This stuff gets everywhere.



1 comment:

Gospog said...

"Pretty soon this soldier business with be over with for the moment and I can get back to pretending I actually make a difference in the RPG community."

Heh. The difference you are making right now isn't anything to laugh at, man! ;)

Don't worry, I sent you a description of Lexo Yust. I don't want you runing out of stuff to draw. :P