So our good friend and partner Andrew had his car broken into and stuff stolen. Not cool... But something has come from this...
You can also listen to us talk about it on the BAMF Podcast with Podcast SUPER Mike Lafferty.
Have fun and stay SUPER!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Play Through your Halloween
Check out Dustland's conversions of Classic Monsters to our own SUPERS! Rpg.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
The PLAGUE!... She is Passing
I have almost gotten rid of the worst cold I have had in a while. In other news, SUPER plans fare forming for our little slice of gaming, SUPERS! The RPG. But while we are waiting on things to get a bit more solid, if there are publishers out there that have spandex action superhero products that they need a system for, they should drop us a line.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Monday, August 27, 2012
Dateline Montreal, Canada - August 27th, 2012
Effective immediately, Zenith Comics has purchased the exclusive rights and intellectual property to "Supers! The Comic Book Roleplaying Game" from Beyond Belief Games.
Simon Washbourne, creator of Supers! and owner of Beyond Belief Games had this to say;
"I'm pleased to have signed the deal with Andrew & Walt. These guys have shown the desire and commitment to continue the development and expansion of the SUPERS! line, to build on what I started and establish SUPERS! as one of the major super hero role playing games on the market."
Part of what Simon refers to is Zenith Comics plans to not only continue to offer the original game up for sale, but to create a Revised Edition, soliciting input from the fans of Supers! itself. Furthermore, Simon Washbourne will be acting as an Executive Producer to the creative team, steering his creation as new ideas improve and expand upon what he created. To which he said;
"I won't be stepping away from SUPERS! - in fact, I will be taking on a 'hands on' position to ensure that the SUPERS! line remains true to my original vision. Zenith Comics wants to keep the current fan base happy and reach out to new gamers who may not yet have realized what a great game they have been missing out on. I'm sure they will succeed in this and I'm happy SUPERS! is in the right hands to move the line to greater heights."
Zenith Comics and Hazard Studio (the official RPG arm of Zenith Comics) have a solid track record of working together and producing such hit lines as "Supervillains!" and "Type Casting" for other famous super heroic games.
"The time had come not only for Zenith Comics to have its own game," says Zenith Editor-in-Chief Andrew Collas, "but to have a game system that exemplifies fast paced comic book action, not one that gets bogged down in number crunching and minutia. Supers! was that perfect system for me. I fell in love with it the moment I countered a power blast with my eye-beams!"
While Zenith Comics has not revealed the long term plans at present, roster books, adventures and an eventual Narrators Guide are all on the drawing board.
So stay tuned fans and as always BE HEROIC!
- Zenith Comics
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Insert Transformers Noise Here
To say that I am currently drowning in a sea of awesome is an understatement. This past month we released Issue 4 of the TYPE Casting series and it is doing really well. Thank you to all the folks who bought into the series and continue to support it.
Now we have a blast from the past with regards to Zenith Comics. We will be giving our super villains book (which by the way is named Supervillains... can you stand the coolness of that?) a treatment for the Supers! RPG. Those of you who have asked for this will be glad to know that it is in the pipe and should be released very soon.
TYPE Casting, Unusual Suspects is going back to layout and will be re-released for free. We are going to color the artwork and make it look all pretty. That should hit sometime around the first of September along with TYPE Casting 5.
Thanks again for the HAZARDous love
Now we have a blast from the past with regards to Zenith Comics. We will be giving our super villains book (which by the way is named Supervillains... can you stand the coolness of that?) a treatment for the Supers! RPG. Those of you who have asked for this will be glad to know that it is in the pipe and should be released very soon.
TYPE Casting, Unusual Suspects is going back to layout and will be re-released for free. We are going to color the artwork and make it look all pretty. That should hit sometime around the first of September along with TYPE Casting 5.
Thanks again for the HAZARDous love
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Stark City Rises
A little Logo work to round out the night. Image for Stark City, the kickstarter project from Fainting Goat Games. Make sure to stop by and check it out:
There is a wealth of talent on this project! Names from across the industry have been put together to breath life into Stark City. Join the folks who have already thrown in with us to make this book a reality.
Friday, August 03, 2012
Sleek, Stylish, DANGEROUS!
It has a carbon fiber reinforced hull. Holographic heads up display linked directly to your battle helmet. An ejection seat will "unhorse" any rider that isn't you... And did we mention that if you are the Templar... This is so YOUR STEED!
The entire line of the TYPE Casting series is about quick setup and play. Do you have the player who isn't familiar with the BASH UE! RPG. How about the guy that just doesn't know what he wants. This issue of TYPE Casting : Street Tough contains five templates that hail from the mean streets. Flip a page, pick your hero and go! The great thing about the series is that any of these types can easily play the part of the villain.
Take a peak... for the price of a small pack of generic gum... this could be yours!
Engage, Enjoy, and BASH! like you mean it.
The entire line of the TYPE Casting series is about quick setup and play. Do you have the player who isn't familiar with the BASH UE! RPG. How about the guy that just doesn't know what he wants. This issue of TYPE Casting : Street Tough contains five templates that hail from the mean streets. Flip a page, pick your hero and go! The great thing about the series is that any of these types can easily play the part of the villain.
Take a peak... for the price of a small pack of generic gum... this could be yours!
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TYPE Casting Street Tough |
Engage, Enjoy, and BASH! like you mean it.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
My Desk Threw Up
Putting the finishing touches on TYPE Casting # 4 Street Tough has been no easy feat. It doesn't help when lurking just off camera is one of my Little Mayehms. Gray, about 1 foot 2 inches tall... 6 pounds... ALL TERROR ALL THE TIME.
For those just tuning in, Hi... My name is Walt and I am the main (sometimes only) force behind HAZARD Studio. Now that I think of it, I wouldn't really call it a force... Much more like a light breeze. I got into Hobby Publishing of RPG games and third party illustration of the same because I wanted to remain in the publishing industry (i had a bit part in a much larger industry at one point... want to know more... introduce yourself and we'll talk). I didn't want to devote too much time to it as I have a career already as well as a jumble of interests that get in the way of stuff like the hours upon hours needed for a publishing studio.
Enter HAZARD... So getting back to the beginning of this post, We have been producing a some material for a game called Basic Action Super Heroes (Yep... acronym spells BASH!). Our next product is set to hit once I get the cover all nice nice.
So for our fans... Thank you for tuning in. For those just stopping by, nice to meet you and thank you for tuning in.
Oh and we take requests,
Monday, July 02, 2012
No No! Not that kind of tablet.
It seems like yesterday when tablet was just that rock you hit with a chisel and wrote out some scrawl. Followed almost immediately by that yellow lined paper pad with no cover that you write all your crazy notes on (and a few scribbles as well).
Enter the digital tablets (I wont actually say Idevice because they sue happy). These things are the greatest. You can watch movies, read books (technically we could all do this stuff before but usually not in one device other than a computer), and follow your favorite adult film star... wait what? Not to mention that it is wrapped up in an easy to carry package. I read a lot of my game books for HAZARD Studio on mine because I can carry an ENTIRE library on the thing and never break a sweat carrying it
Something neat that happened not to long ago is that companies like Basic Action Games decided to come out with a tablet friendly version of their rules to compliment the processing power of these devices. Even six months after release tablets are considerably more powerful but it only stands to reason that a smaller file on the smaller screen with a duo core processor is going to do well. Files like this eliminate the whole waiting for a graphics heavy page to load thing. Fantastic.
Just want to give a shout out to Chris over at Basic Action Games for putting out a book that I use a lot in this format making it easy to read not only on tablets but on the smart phone as well. Because while i can be sure that I will leave the tablet at home, the phone is usually with me. We need more publishers to bundle two files with their products. One file is the pretty high res, read this thing on a computer only for fear of blowing your phone's processor, file. The other should be the tablet ready one. Low res, quick to load and read. What say you publishers... good idea or no?
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Had a great podcast this afternoon with Ryan Sohmer of . I was invited to be a co-host with Mike Lafferty of the BAMF podcast to interview Ryan. It was a great time and a cool thing to interview someone who has done a lot to promote web comics as a main stream form of entertainment. If you haven't checked it out and you don't mind some adult humor, check it out. Doctor's orders.
This weekend I am hoping to sit on my porch with a good cup of coffee and finish the cover for TYPE Casting # 4, Street Tough. This one has been a long time coming. Once the cover is done then we can upload and go to 'print.'
Here is the rough cover image
This weekend I am hoping to sit on my porch with a good cup of coffee and finish the cover for TYPE Casting # 4, Street Tough. This one has been a long time coming. Once the cover is done then we can upload and go to 'print.'
Here is the rough cover image
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Kung fu is my muse. When I throwing hands with the guys I bleed out all the stresses of the day and it allows me to think in a more focused fashion. I have been working on several new things for HAZARD and things come smoothly if I am not bummed out by the impending holiday.
The down side to being in a service industry is that on a big holiday like the fourth, everything ramps up like crazy in order to stock the shelves so people can have what they need. The rough side is that when the day off does come, we now have to pack 5 days worth of deliveries into four.
Enter Kung Fu. When I punch and kick the crap out of folks, it allows all that tension to melt away. This summer marks 32 years of kung fu. The best part is that I am more excited about my training than I have ever been. Although I don't do it for sport or for enlightenment ( i tend to gravitate toward realistic martial arts because of my other job in the Military) i have come to rely on it daily in order to clear my head.
Just goes to show you that therapists really don't have the market cornered, a good heavy bag and about twenty minutes of playtime is all you need to live stress free.
The down side to being in a service industry is that on a big holiday like the fourth, everything ramps up like crazy in order to stock the shelves so people can have what they need. The rough side is that when the day off does come, we now have to pack 5 days worth of deliveries into four.
Enter Kung Fu. When I punch and kick the crap out of folks, it allows all that tension to melt away. This summer marks 32 years of kung fu. The best part is that I am more excited about my training than I have ever been. Although I don't do it for sport or for enlightenment ( i tend to gravitate toward realistic martial arts because of my other job in the Military) i have come to rely on it daily in order to clear my head.
Just goes to show you that therapists really don't have the market cornered, a good heavy bag and about twenty minutes of playtime is all you need to live stress free.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Don't cry over Spilled Ink
Beyond that there is a huge amount of stuff going on at the Studio right now. We are currently trying to draft another artist to jump into things as well as branching out in color and design. For some reason I have been labeled a "layout guy," so I have been getting a lot of work laying out products for other studios. Not a big deal although it often means that my own stuff gets put on the back burner.
Also be on the lookout for Zenith Comics. There is a huge design shift that is going back and forth with it and because of that behind the scenes things are moving at breakneck speed. Can't wait to see what happens next.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Crap OPS

Whatever the first batch of techs did to fix my problem must have blown out all my security settings. My private files on my server (secured with passwords and supposedly groovy types of technogook security) were suddenly showing up in regular old search engines. Wouldn't be a problem if it was just some pictures of my wife naked... she might have a problem with that but I digress... a lot of my ongoing projects including stuff I am doing for HAZARD and Zenith comics were now coming up when some one typed in the right keywords.
This of course meant that some of the copyrighted files i had on there (as well as the project stuff) were now showing up as well. UGH!
I just want to thank my friends down south (you know who you are) for cluing me in. So sorry about this, guys...
In any case... It also led me to a site revamp and and some house cleaning on the site. I have been assured that this is not going to happen again. We'll see.
The cloud SUCKS!
Monday, April 30, 2012
Dark Days Week ONE
This review covers:
Dark Days, week 1 - By Dilly Green Bean Games.
Writing, and Art by Jay Libby
Editing by Renee Libby
Review by Walt Robillard
SPOILERS: Some scenes may be spoiled by this review. If you are planning on playing in this adventure, read no further as the fun you save could be your own.
Dark days are coming my friends, at least for the heroes of the Guardian Universe. If you haven't been following the releases of Jay Libby's G-Core Role Playing Game, then you might not know what that is. G-Core is a modern take on a classic superhero rpg from the late 1980's. Updated with recent innovations for the modern gamer, G-Core does a nice job of bringing Four Color Action to the players for a very affordable price. You can check out my podcast review for the product here (
Dark Days, Week 1, is the first in a planned series of adventures from DGB Games set in their Guardian Universe. It does start off making some assumptions. It starts with you knowing about the Guardian Universe, in which most DGB Games are released. If this is your first DGB purchase other than G-Core, don't worry, the story is not hard to follow and if you are at least a minor fan of comics, you should be able to pick up on things fairly quickly. The scenario is also a good jumping on point for those who would like to play in the Guardian's Universe. There is just enough to tip the player's interest but not so much that folks will seem overwhelmed.
The adventure starts off with a broadcast press conference from Senator Orland Percy. The President of the United States is a Superhuman called Omega and although he has served his country, Percy is incensed that Omega has given a great deal of authority to superhumans as well as the Guardians (the premier super group.) Percy calls for all citizens to take to the streets and voice their displeasure over superhuman favoritism, the changing of the constitution, and for the ability to be protected from superhumans running amok.
This call to arms puts the heroes in the middle of a moral dilemma. Do they side with Percy and oppose the president in favor of democracy or do they support a pro Superhuman regime.
At this point it is not really clear what drives the PC's to get involved in such a fashion but citing curiosity, a few well placed calls indicate that a warehouse up for sale was bought by the Senator and he is going there to take possession. With curiosity as your rally cry, you decide to make a run to check things out. At this point you come to know that going anywhere near the warehouse is a tricky thing as it is in the middle of Chicago which has been declared a no "hero," no "superpowers" zone. In steps former good friend (so we are told) Dr. Apian (cool picture of this guy in the book). Apian has developed a masking unit that will hide your powers from the authorities (Something nasty called the EV Hunters... YAY). The down side to this is that it only works if you aren't using your powers (AWE C'MON!).
With masking units on and running you head to Chi-town. Based in the descriptions, Chi-town must also be a no fly zone as there are only "ground based" introductions describing coming into Chicago. With contacts furnished by interested parties you make your way into the heart of the Chicago underworld in order to investigate Percy and his agenda.
The adventure takes some interesting twists while you come up against a slew of enemies from the local Triads to Demonic Killer Clowns (I didn't see that one coming either). As the investigation unfolds, you soon learn that Percy and his warehouse have been at the center of a conspiracy that could threaten the USA and the world! A simple investigation into a potential political powder keg turns into a desperate fight for survival. All of this tension is further compounded that any display of power (or spandex) at all will nullify the power mask and call in the dreaded EV Hunters!
At it's very core, Dark Days: Week One starts off as a simple sneak and peek and turns into a run and gun style of adventure. The characters that you meet (many of whom come from previous G-Core releases), are fun and memorable. Some of the conflicts can be a bit of a challenge as any use of superhuman abilities will bring the EV Hunters in short order. This just calls for a "rise to the challenge" style of game play in which the PC's either get creative or get arrested.
This introductory adventure keeps the action and intrigue moving at a decent pace so the players are never bored. As the plot moves forward, the players will quickly realize that they are in for more than they bargained for. The ludicrous appearance of the enemies toward the end will certainly catch unwary players off their guard when they go for the take down.
While the story is fun and the art is very eye catching (much improved from the initial release of G-Core the RPG), Dark Days: Week One does suffer a couple of snags. There are times during the adventure that feels like the writer was trying to craft a story rather than an RPG adventure. At key points, failure to do as directed in the adventure ends "the ride" real quick with the PC's either going to jail or with the player pulling out the g-core rule book to craft a new character. Another sticking point for the adventure is that it relies very heavily on other G-Core releases to build back story and uses characters from those releases to corral players into going the "right" direction.
These minor points aside, this adventure has a lot of potential for crafting an interesting story where the players find out about a heinous evil while not being able to do much about it overtly due to the villain's position both socially and geographically. The tension is made almost palpable in that the PC's have to rely on wits, allies, and more to go toe to toe with the villains as the use of their powers will mark them for capture or worse.
With so much potential for mayhem and the ability to throw a monkey wrench into the gears that are the players, G-core game masters should seriously consider picking up Dark Days: Week One.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Supervillains is live once again. We decided to license all of the RPG material from Zenith Comics so that i handle all of the game-y bits. We had a couple of requests to re-post the books back on OBS. Folks who would like another chance to pick these up can do so for .99 cents. Give it a try... you might like it.
Enjoy the ride.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
New Old art
So i have been posting to one of the old school gaming sites as of late. One of fun things this has allowed me to do is post a ton of art from back in the day. This means I am getting off my back side and scanning it in so I can get rid of the hard copy. More space for new sketches (although a lot of the ones that I do these days are straight to digital.).
Saturday, February 04, 2012
So much to do... so little MASS
I have TONS of projects ready to go and get the finishing touches to be products. So where do projects go wrong... Let's see.
- 8 Hour Job (Plus two day a month Military)
- 2 Hour Kung Fu sessions.
- Skyrim
- Monkey!
- and now MASS EFFECT 3!
I am never going to get anything done.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Early Morning Bruises.
One of the great things I love about my life is all the great KUNG FU! It was a tough decision back in the day to leave a commercial school to go back onto my own. I was in semi-private sessions before I went there and once I got a taste of the fighting that every one else got... i didn't much care for it.
Since 2005 we have gone back to training the way we used to. That means no tapping to the head and yelling out POINT, no silly pads that offer no protection, and NO WHINING. It is a lot of fun when you get good folks together that like to bang around and have no ego about who is running things... because none of us care who's running things. The only problem is that there is not a lot of teachers around that prefer it the way we do. That means I have to travel a lot for my own training and then bring it back to the kids so that everyone can have a chance to play.
It can be mildly exhausting.
Well, i am off to do an early morning beatdown with one of the boys. Since I work at night my time is limited but because we call the shots we can workout whenever some one is available.
Good times
Since 2005 we have gone back to training the way we used to. That means no tapping to the head and yelling out POINT, no silly pads that offer no protection, and NO WHINING. It is a lot of fun when you get good folks together that like to bang around and have no ego about who is running things... because none of us care who's running things. The only problem is that there is not a lot of teachers around that prefer it the way we do. That means I have to travel a lot for my own training and then bring it back to the kids so that everyone can have a chance to play.
It can be mildly exhausting.
Well, i am off to do an early morning beatdown with one of the boys. Since I work at night my time is limited but because we call the shots we can workout whenever some one is available.
Good times
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Walt and Brian about to find out whose kung fu is better! |
Friday, January 06, 2012
Zenith Site is live! Sort Of...
Don't forget to run over to the fledgling site, ZENITH COMICS! and check out the new Banner by Andrew!
Thursday, January 05, 2012
TYPE Casting is a Hit
A little taste of the next segment of TYPE Casting. Street Tough will present hero TYPES that are made for the grim and gritty streets of your campaigns. These are not the heroes that live in the black and white moralities that flavor the average books. The TYPES have tasted the street and the only way to bring order to it is to live amidst the Gray.
Thanks again to all the great BASH! fans who have come out to support this series. You guys are the best!
And don't forget to check us out on the BAMF! Podcast where myself and Andrew Collas, as well as our host, Mike Lafferty, set off talking about what makes a great comic and Zenith Comics intends to do just that. Give us a listen!
And to go along with our glorious announcements, check out some of the promo art that goes with it!
All artwork is "Heroic" artwork is copyright (c) 2012 Andrew Collas. All HAZARD Std artwork is copyright (c) ME Mutha Trucka!
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