It’s been some time since I was able to get any amount of wiggle room allowing me to get my thoughts out of my head and coherently into the digital ether. Things my way have been busy and me being currently out in the Middle East doing my best to represent the US of A and make the world a better place has kept me on the go.
One of the good things about being who I am in the age I live is that technology allows us to stay connected even in places that were previously unreachable. This is very cool as slinging graphite onto a page helps me bleed off the stress of my day. I can then take these inky hallucinations and splatter them all over the internet. Ahhh… Digital bliss.
So what does an art junky on deployment do with his spare time (other than drinking Chai and learning Arabic)? Well, I go and hock my wares (art… don’t get weird) to anyone willing to help me build a portfolio I can shamelessly show to everyone. Recently that someone has been RPGObjects. The new product by Chuck Rice entitled, Fantasci has hit digital shelves and some of the art within is mine. Of course due to twists of fate beyond my control my name was somehow left off of the credits… the art proves that somewhere in the creative process I got to tag along for the ride (this is in no way to insinuate that I had any help crafting the world. Mr. Rice has a mind like a bullet train and he can craft products that would leave my attempts chugging along like a broken diesel). The product involves fallen races, ancient and forbidden technologies, and a thirst for adventure wrapped up in a product to support his Modern20 rules. On first blush the product invokes feelings of stories many of us have played with digitally (video games rock!) but as you dig a little deeper, you can tell that this world was crafted as a playground for gamers to sink their teeth into. As sure as there is plenty of material to flesh out the world of Aurianis, there is also plenty left alone in order to let people’s imaginations go schizophrenic. All in all I was very glad to have seen how this project has progressed so far and with Mr. Rice at the helm, it can only continue to show off the elegance of the Modern20 system (Since I spewed about it why not check it out at
One of the good things about being who I am in the age I live is that technology allows us to stay connected even in places that were previously unreachable. This is very cool as slinging graphite onto a page helps me bleed off the stress of my day. I can then take these inky hallucinations and splatter them all over the internet. Ahhh… Digital bliss.

With that project out of the way and our deployment turning a corner, I can only hope to scribble more digital drool from my head into yours. The roughest part about trying to run a company and answering the country’s call is that the two are directly in conflict. Both demand your time and both want to be first. Right now…the camouflage that I wear (that doesn’t blend into anything) insists that I make the flag come first… and rightly so. But that doesn’t mean that when I have a spare minute that isn’t devoted to my duty, I can’t continue to hock my wares (art again people, don’t get loopy on me…)?
The other thing that continues to help me keep from going mental is the martial arts training that some of the guys out here get to do with me. I have a small group of guys that I get to train with on a semi regular basis (nothing out here is consistent other that nothing is consistent). Although it is unsettling to have my coworkers and friends walk up and start throwing punches… it does make for very interesting distractions to my day. I can't even begin to thank all the great folks who have supported us by sending us gear and stuff to research on the subject. Very cool.

So after all is said and done, as a soldier, I am making the best of this deployment by learning all that I can and always helping out when I am able. This was definitely the right choice to make in coming here and although I will be glad when it is over, I can say that there are elements of it I will miss.
Talk to you soon…
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Good to hear from you!
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