Wednesday, February 27, 2008

What do you mean I have to stay!

What do you mean I have to stay!

There are times in the military that one has to consider the cost to ass ratio. This formula allows one to look at any given situation and weigh the cost of putting his ass on the line for one reason or another. When I came back into the military I ended up coming in with no knowledge of the job I was entering or of the people I would be working with.

After all this time I really should have learned my lesson. I left the last time because a declining military budget combined with liberal training practices (yep… you can read that as SISSY!) meant that the Army was being populated by idiots. Unfortunately, ten years later, Darwin must be on vacation. Idiots combined with explosives should have made my return to the military a triumph. Nope. And because of all of this (and me being forced to stay while my crew goes out of the wire) I have to constantly weigh the cost to ass ratio of me telling my superiors how pathetic my current situation is.

So here I sit here in Somwhere-Ville, Iraq, and I have to wait for some dog and pony show to be over before I leave. The good part about this is that I can draw when I get some free time and continue to work on the next projects for HAZARD Studio. So what is it that the Hooligans are up to?

Research mostly. The big thing that no one can miss right now is that we have a HUGE happening in the gaming industry. Wizards is supposedly upping the ante on what an RPG should be and should be doing. They have launched certain digital initiatives backed by huge amounts of money but have they really started something revolutionary for the RPG industry? Look at what a lot of the publishers under them have done. Podcasts, digital publishing, updating PDF’s with errata when it becomes available, etc. are the hallmarks of guys like RPGOBjects and Green Ronin. These guys have been trying to up the ante for years and now Wizards is playing catch up.

One of the things I would like to see is integrated adventures. Something that can be played either on or off line. Something that could be possibly tracked online? Something that we as gamers could use to enhance our games. There are so many things that the net and associated technology can do for us that it would be silly for us as self labeled geeks not to take advantage of.

Is this what Wizards has planned? Who cares. We know they want to make money on this (who wouldn’t) but do they want to craft a superior product. I am interested in seeing what a digital initiative does to a tabletop role playing game. The thing I am afraid of is whether or not it will still be tabletop at all when the digital dust clears?

So the research continues on what HAZARD is up to next. There are some nibbles on the hook but no one has taken a definitive bite yet. Any takers?


1 comment:

fluffaderm said...

Arg! Bastards!!! Well, we shall be waiting with open arms and two open seats at the table for when you get home. :o)