Dominus (Azrael Dominus)
(Supernatural Metahuman, known by General Public, Ruler of Marazul)
M:30 C:20 B:30 F:30 I:30 A:20 W:20
Damage:110, Fortune:80, Lifestyle:75, Rep:0
Immortality:Dominus is immune to aging, disease, and can heal from any wound, however he can still be hurt and incapacitated. Bringing Dominus' Damage and Fortitude to 0 will effectively kill him. At this point, unless he is impaled or receiving a constant stream of damage he will begin to regenerate and reanimate.
Armor: Dominus wears armor made of power rank 40 material that conveys the following abilities.
Armor (40)
Flight (20)
Life Support: Dominus is protected from Pressure, environment (including lack of air and the presence of toxins), and radiation while in his armor.
The Way of Triad Sight: Dominus is extremely talented in the Arcane Arts and has the ability to work magic at power rank (50). This allows him a vast variety of powers at his disposal. His most common castings include:
Power Bolt: Energy generation
Power Shield: Force Field
Ghost Walk: Phasing
Eagle Walk: Teleportation
Skills: Knowledge:Arcane (I), Bio-engineering (I), Engineering (I), Leadership (I), Military (I), Martial Arts (M),
Background: Azrael Dominus is part of an ancient race who came to earth to conquer. Although he and his kind spread terror over the ancient world, it was the people of the Middle East that gave him the name, Azrael, The Angel of Death. As culture after culture fell under his heel, it looked as though Azrael and his kind would rule over mankind.
Unknown to the invaders, an ancient race had already taken residence on Earth and had looked fondly on the race of man, The Atlanteans. With legions of troops and technologies that dwarfed human understanding, the Atlantean war machine stormed out of the ocean to drive out the hellish invaders. One by one Dominus' people were either captured or killed by the might of Atlantis.
The true extent of the final battles are lost to the oceans of time, however, it was certain that Dominus was captured and imprisoned. Their victory in hand, the Atlanteans withdrew back to their nation to let the race of man make his way in the world.
Throughout the millennia, Dominus called across the ages to anyone who would listen. Although there were many promising attempts to free him, his liberation came in the present age. A young boy with amazing mental abilities heard his calls from the ether and decided to listen. Throughout his youth, Dominus guided and tutored the youth until he became a titan of industry. Using his wealth, Brian Takashi, sought out the mystic prison and shattered its seals. Dominus strode into the world with a terrible purpose. He would be the lord and master of this world and crush the ancestors of his enemies.
To this purpose, he raised the island of Marazul in the southern Pacific near the nation of Indonesia. He has taken in many of the undesirables of the world and turned them into a driven people. At his side, Brian Takashi, the man who granted Dominus his freedom, now serves as his Minister of Security under the guise of Shogun 0. Only Takashi is aware of his true origins as the rest of the world sees him as a powerful despot. From his new nation he plots and waits for a time to strike.
Identifying Quote: "I am Dominus... you are finished!"
I smell the Marvel Super Hero goodness here!
Glad you liked it! We are having fun with this and although we are takig a break this week, Next week will see the release of Minions! (and allies).
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