Raid (Quinton Davis)
(Super Human Criminal, Publicly known, Secret ID)
M:10 C:20 B:10 F:10 I:20 A:6 W:10
Damage:50, Fortune:36 Lifestyle:40
Phantom Blast (50): Quinton’s body constantly emits a sickening radiation that does power rank (10) damage to anyone or anything within 1 sector. He wears special Regulator Gauntlets that allow him to focus and control this power. While wearing them, his body no longer emits the radiation and he can control the energy to devastating effect. The gauntlets are made of power rank (50) material and allow him to emit blasts of rank (50) effect.
Flight (30): Raid’s gauntlets can also harness his power to propel him in flight.
Phasing (50): Altering his physical state to a form of pure energy, Raid can become insubstantial and pass through solid matter. This ability is very taxing and he can only hold it for 5 turns (He can double the duration if he makes a Fortitude roll and scores a blue result. Failing the roll means that he instantly reverts back to solid and suffers the material strength damage of whatever he is inside when he rematerializes.). After Phasing he must make a successful Fortitude test or have to rest for 3 turns.
Flexi-Strike Armor (5)
Earbud communicator (5 mile range)
Skills: Aerial Combat (C), Power Skill: Phantom Blast (C), Robotics (I)
Background: Quinton Davis was an electrical engineer specializing in robotics. Hard working and driven, Davis began working on a new Quantum Artificial Intelligence alongside his partner Eric Lawson. Davis recognized the genius of his partner and took a back seat in many of the designs and decisions of the project. During a test of the new AI drive, a malfunction threatened the lab and the only working prototype they had been able to construct. Rushing in, Davis saved the drive but his exposure to extra dimensional energies transformed his molecular structure.
Lawson immediately brought in the best specialists in the country to work on Davis’ condition in an attempt to cure him of his affliction. While doctors and scientist pondered returning him to normal, Lawson constructed the Regulators to allow him to once again rejoin society until a cure could be found.
Spending weeks in an isolation chamber did nothing to improve Davis’ mood. He began to resent his friend for “handing” him a back seat in the project as well as not being exposed to the life altering event. Receiving the Regulators only worsened Davis’ foul mood as he saw it as his “friend” showing him up and flaunting his genius. Davis escaped the lab where he had been made to live and stole the Quantum AI Prototype. Using his new powers he staged several raids on local banks and armored cars in order to finance his new life. Now considering himself a criminal mastermind, Raid has no compunction about stealing what he needs to keep himself comfortable, well trained, and to continue his research.
Identifying Quote:”Only a fool would fight a ghost! “

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1 comment:
"Failing the roll means that he instantly reverts back to solid and suffers the material strength damage of whatever he is inside when he rematerializes."
Awesome. :o)
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